How do I edit the program checklist?/ Do you have a word version of the program checklist?

We don't have a word document version of the program checklist, however if you don't have access to a printer or prefer to save your program to your device rather than print it off, you can edit the checklist digitally.

Watch the below video for instructions:

  • Video 1 - 8 Week Fit and Strong Program Overview
  • Video 2 - Member Program Checklist

VIDEO 1: Downloading and editing the 8 Week Fit & Strong Program Checklist/Overview

  • Find the Program Overview in Week 1 of your 8 Week Fit & Strong Program under the section 'Your Next Steps'.

VIDEO: Downloading and editing the Member Program Checklist and Workout Recording Sheets

  • Find the Program Checklist and Workout Recording Sheets in Week 1 of the Member Program you are currently doing.
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